Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Bienvenue Chez Nous!

Gonna miss this view.
Well it's official...we're finally on our way out of the hotel Le Grand Ducal! One week in a hotel is a holiday. Two weeks can be considered an extended vacation, but after a month it just plain sucks. What I would give just to microwave a bean burrito or boil some Ramen noodles! The folks here couldn't be any nicer - especially considering we've been shuttling dogs (wet dogs mostly) in and out of the lobby three to four times a day! We're ready to get into our own digs and get stepping with the Luxembourg lifestyle. Apparently the Sofitel Le Grand Ducal has it's own theme song as well. I am not exaggerating, the song linked below plays in heavy rotation...perhaps every three or four songs - day and night! I find myself whistling the melody out of reflex now. I wish I could find the full length version because the lyrics are C'est magnifique!

Living in Luxembourg is still quite surreal. I realize it's still early days, but I don't know if I'll ever get used to - or want to get used to - the amazing diversity here. On any street  at all times of day one hears French, German, Portuguese and of course Luxembourgish. Plus there's an abundance English, Dutch, Italian...as a crossroads of northern Europe and vacation destination there appears to be no limit on who you can meet here.

This is the front of the building - ours faces the cliffs out back.
We've begun to settle into the Luxembourg's daily rhythm, and that's why we decided to move into Rollingegrund. The duplex is so nice and the neighborhood is really sweet. We hope as many of our friends and family can make it over and experience this unique place. Rollingergrund (RO) is a quiet 'village' nestled between two larger neighborhoods. We'll have our own shops and cafes plus all of the conveniences of living close to the Belair and Limpertsberg Quartiers. RO isn't a popular area with tourists or with the 'Late-Night' set, so we think it will be a great way to experience the European Lifestyle...off to study more French!

This is the one with the amazing kitchen...
...the huge patio...
...and a pool hall right across the street :-\

Ah, Rollingergrund!
...And a late 'Happy Howl-O-Ween' from Toby the Ghostie! This is what crazy people do when cooped up in a room for weeks!! Still waiting for all of our household goods...always an adventure.

I think he looks like Zero from A Nightmare Before Christmas

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