Friday, October 10, 2014

Can you believe it???

Wow! It's been two years already. Jeni and I arrived in the Grand Duchy two years ago this month. This is almost too much to process. In many ways, we've acclimated well and things that seemed foreign and strange are now quite normal. Yet, it still seems like just yesterday we were kicking down King Street and scarfing down pupusas at Los Tio's…I guess that's because of all the great support we've had from folks back home. Though we're thousands of miles away, our connections to home remain strong. Thanks again to all those that were able to visit, and we look forward to our next trip Stateside to see everyone we miss. To be sure we are eagerly anticipating our future guests as we never tire of sharing what we love about this fun little shire nestled in the heart of Europe!

Since our return from Venice life here has somewhat settled down. We did enjoy a bit of an Indian Summer, but as the calendar flips, the weather is bound to change. All in all things have been rather quiet, but there have been a few events of note here in the Ville. 
Toby does not approve!
Aside from the occasional dinner with friends, the monthly poker game and our normal comings and going, we had a few highlights other over the last month. First, and most importantly, our friend's Brie and Gianni, celebrated their recent PACS (pacte civil de solidarité in French) which is a formal civil agreement akin to marriage recognized by the state rather than the church. That is…a civil ceremony.
Gianni and Brie met here in Luxembourg. She's an American co-worker and Gianni works for a bank (shocker!)

The affair was catered with Thai food. The chef made this centerpiece from fruit and vegetables... 
…if ever you cross paths with this person, eat her food! So Good!!
Beyond the PACS celebration, the Ville has had a bit of excitement as well. Recently, there were three (THREE!) bomb scares within a week of each other. They all ranged from mundane rusty old pipe near a construction site to the ever-popular forgotten luggage at the bus stop. Back in DC, they's send in the robots and blow these suckers up without hesitation, but here in Luxembourg they take a more traditional approach. As it happens, your cub-blogger happened to be on the scene for the third incident, and with true Luxembourgish style the whole episode passed without panic, three-cornered hats or xenophobic subtext. Unfortunately some poor traveller had a rather rough holiday, Not only did he lose his suitcase, but the contents of the valise were also strewn across the Avenue de la Liberté. Most likely they are in an evidence vault by now. 
The road was closed as a precaution...

…then the sniffer dog was brought in...

…and finally they had a 'senior' officer open the suspect package. Next step for him will be sweeping the steps in from of the precinct offices :)
So our second year is in the books. As we continue to explore and meet more and more interesting people, we look forward to see what the future holds. Thanks once again for following our antics. I'll continue to keep you posted. Remember, life is short, so whenever the opportunity presents itself…Play with a Puppy!

1 comment:

  1. Love your narrative, Brian. Cute video, too. Happy all four of you are doing well. Hugs to you and Jeni!
