The iconic Space Needle - without all that pesky sunshine. |
First, let me thank all of the wonderful people that made our trip back to the States so memorable. We are very fortunate to have such amazing friends and family! Second, I must apologize to all the folks we weren't able to see. Our voyage from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to the Good Ol' "U.S. of A" took us from sleepy Findel Airport, through London's enormous Heathrow, then onto SEATAC and finally into our former base of operations, Reagan National Airport (just outside of Washington DC). Needless to say, this was a whirl-wind tour for Jeni and I, and we weren't able to see everyone. Sorry for the oversight, but we are looking forward to hosting more of our loved ones in the upcoming year...we are also planning on returning State-side for a nice long vacation once Jeni's commitments at Ice Station Zebra are fulfilled :-)
Our last view of the great blue skies before descending into Seattle |
Enough of that mushy stuff - Let me start filling you in on our barnstorming tour from the Pacific Northwest to our former hometown of Alexandria, VA. As you may know, dear reader, our planet is a spheroid. Therefore we all live in separate time zones around the globe. With Seattle, Washington being nine hours behind our local time here in Central Europe - or through the magic of time travel - our epic journey half way around the world took just over four hours! It sure felt like 14.
The reason for our trip to Seattle was not only to see our son...it was to see our son, Vann, get married to the loveliest bride ever! We can now call Alicia our daughter! The wedding went off without a hitch, so the five days we'd planned to run around with our hair on fire were better spent in the company of the kids eating and drinking our way through the city. On our gastronomic odyssey through the Emerald City, we were soon joined by Vann's godmother Monique as well as his grandmother, Freda...who recently escorted us through the Valley of Seven(ish) Chateaux!
Jeni and Monique with the Groom. One's hipster quotient goes up two points simply by entering the city limits. |
Ah, Seattle in early autumn...just like Luxembourg, only slightly warmer. |
The obligatory shots of Pikes Market... |
Freda navigating the stalls at the market |
...and one last snapshot at the market. |
For those uninitiated, Seattle may just well be the best destination for foodies that the US has to offer. Bountiful plates of fresh and tasty food are served everywhere in Seattle, and they are all made with love by people who have now legalized the munchies!
Try the Aztec Mocha or the Turkish Latte at Fonte on First Ave... |
...or a Migas the size of your torso... |
...or perhaps some French Toast large enough to gag a Hyena! |
Alicia's family joined us from Florida, so with Monique in from LA and Freda up from Arkansas, I can safely say all regions of the US were represented well. The ceremony was performed in the Gas Works Park by Vann's cherished friend, renowned ceramicist and online minister - the Right Reverend Jeremy S! For the sake of brevity, and without further ado may I present Mr and Mrs Vann and Alicia Serling-Price-Waterhouse-Cooper.
See? You just keep getting hipper and hipper the longer you stay in the Pacific Northwest.
Stay tuned...more to come!
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