Tuesday, August 21, 2012

La Grande Aventure

Well it’s official. Ever since Andy Schleck’s chain dropped off in the 2010 Tour de France, my wife, Jennifer, has been stalking the poor boy (ha-ha…just a joke Interpol).  We are absolutely thrilled with our pending move to Luxembourg. A place until six months ago we weren’t even really sure existed, let alone where on the planet it might be located. As it turns out, Luxembourg is a real place, a Grande Duchy no less, situated among France, Belgium and Germany. We’re on our way there in a few short weeks. The cycling Schleck brothers (Andy and Frank) are just one of many perks.
frank andy schleck

Our plan to move to Europe was hatched nearly a year ago, when Jeni was offered a job with her current agency in Germany. That gig subsequently fell through. As it happened, Jeni was not deterred from this goal. She bought a new pair of shoes and a new handbag, flew to Luxembourg and landed her a new job working with NATO in, of all places, the Grande Duchy (thanks for the great line, Debbie T)! We have a lot to do before we can move abroad: learn the language (somewhat), ship our gear over, ready our house for the rental market, fly our dogs over, and on and on. I intend to describe our little adventure in bite-sized posts, and I hope to be able to present fun and new people, ideas, food and cultures that we encounter along our travels.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for your big move! We can't wait to visit! :) Angele (my HS French name ;)
